This is probably one of Ace’s best solo efforts, mainly due to the inclusion of Trixter pair PJ Farley and Steve Brown in the writing and production of the album. In fact, there were a raft of rumours doing the internet rounds saying that Steve Brown not only played rhythm guitar on the album but they were his solos. Well, if you listen and know anything about Ace and his style then you will know he plays just about all the solos on the album. I would say Steve Brown had a bigger hand in the writing of the songs than the solos played.
Ace always had the knack of writing really good catchy pop rock tunes and this album’s contenders are Constantly Cute, Cherry Medicine, and Back Into My Arms Again. My attention however is drawn to the two stand out tunes on the album: the title track (my favourite track on the album) which is just superb with a killer riff and a chorus that you will be singing all day long, and the anthemic Cosmic Heart which is just such a great song with that great hands in the air chest beating chorus.
Kiss haven’t put out a new album for over twelve years, they have instead gone out on the endless farewell tour coining in the cash. At least Ace is still putting out new music which is what a true musician would do. Here’s to the next one!
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.