This is the German metal masters thirteenth studio album, released in 2012 and the second to feature vocalist Mark Tornillo, or new Udo has some fans have labelled him. I have to mention the huge production and sound from Andy Sneap, this is a super clear recording.
The album is a loosely based concept album on the German army around Stalingrad in WW2. Metal music has moved on much from its heyday in the mid to late eighties and sometimes not for the good. A lot of bands just try to be to different and they lose the ability make the music groove, so I’m glad that bands like Accept are still around and realise that a great big fat riff and matching groove are essential to make that toe tap and head bang; this album does just that.
Plenty of fat huge riffs and pounding grooves to keep the most ardent metal fan happy. Pretty hard to choose a favourite as this is a freakin’ awesome record but I will go for Flash To Bang Time. It’s a pounding monster with double kicks driving hard, a ripping riff, and wailing guitars a plenty.
Long live Accept!!!
10/10 from The Grooveman.