Sometimes even with all the music that surrounds us and the million ways to access it, things still creep under the radar that you should pick up on. Now, I’m embarrassed to say that I only came across these guys earlier this year and they are fellow countrymen of mine, and they have been around since 2009. They fit into the Shinedown-Alterbridge groove, and maybe a tad heavier to boot.

This is their last effort that came out in 2019 and sonically, it’s super crisp and clear and really packs a punch. The focus is all about the stunning vocals of Kobra Paige and the heavy riff groove fest of guitarist Jasio Kulakowski. This is a very modern sounding metal album, but at all times is a very accessible and commercial sounding record.

The track I heard that dragged me in was the title track, Evolution. Great vocal melody with a killer hook and chorus, driven along by a powerful groove and serious low end chunk. That’s not my favourite however, as Side 2 opener Circus has a really cool twisted horror movie vibe, riff and groove to match with Kobra giving it the full beans on vocals.

Great band and great record. I think it’s time to pay a visit to the back catalogue.

9/10 from The Grooveman.