A great AOR album that would go down a treat on AOR Sunday, but I’m guessing not a whole lot of people have heard of them. This album came out in ’84 and was built around the talents of multi instrumentalist Monty Byrom who had previously been in Big House and Billy Satellite. There was another EP that appeared in ’88, but that was it.

New Frontier were on a small label (Mika Records). whom I guess never had much of a promotional budget to push the band. It’s a shame really because there are some great commercial pop rock songs that given the right push could have done really well. Under Fire, American Dream, and the superb American Blues are killer songs. American Blues is my favourite on the album with its killer groove and beat very reminiscent of Don Henley; how this wasn’t a smash, I do not know. Love the horns!

There are so many of these bands that flew just below the surface of awareness. If you like a good AOR album then seek this one out it’s really rather good.

8/10 from The Grooveman.