Album number four for Britain’s favourite melodic rockers, and it’s more of the same R’n’B tinged hard rock that they do so well. But, as with all their records, there are always a couple of tracks that don’t quite cut it. If you took all the best bits from all of their albums, then you would have one hell of a record.

There is no doubt that Danny is one of the best vocalists out there and I’m sure he could sing the phone book and it would sound epic. Tracks like Don’t Wait Up, which normally would just be okay, are lifted by the wonderful tone and feel to his voice. However, Pilot Of My Dreams and Something About You are really great songs that don’t come around too often.

Cosmetic Punk is just superb, it’s my favourite on the record. It’s a killer old school R’n’B riff sped up with an awesome groove that is so infectious and guaranteed to get you up and groovin’. The last side is given over to four rousin live renditions of tracks from the record.

I’m not sure if we will get any more Thunder records and tours as Danny is not too well since he has had a stroke. I wish him well.

8/10 from The Grooveman.