Month: August 2024 (Page 2 of 7)

Roxus – Live

Roxus were around for six years but they only released one album, Nightstreet and this four track live EP. This EP was actually released before the album, which is a bit strange as not many bands have done that. Coming from the land down under and not being an AC/DC soundalike is something of a rarity for a rock band in Australia. Think of Bon Jovi with a bit more balls and you get the picture.

The EP opens with That Girl, which is a straightforward rockin’ tune but Body Heat which follows is a bit of a melodic rock classic. Great hook and chorus that will get you singing and rockin’ along. Guitarist Darren Danielson is a very tasty player indeed, he’s a monster on the riffs and his leads are very good.

Stand Back opens up Side 2 and it is a melodic rock fan’s wet dream. Nice keyboard intro, with a great fat guitar sound, and a hook and chorus to die for. The EP comes to an end way too soon with Morning Light, my personal fave. I get a huge Autograph vibe straight away with this tune, from the keys intro to that slightly funky groove. Great tune!

Short, but oh so sweet.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman,

EVERGREY – Theories Of Emptiness

Another band that keeps the quality very high is Evergrey, and I’m pleased to announce that album number fourteen is no different than the rest, with the perfect blend of melody and crunch. There has to be something in the water in Sweden as everything they do musically, no matter what genre, they nail it every time.

The production on this album is epic and the mix from Periphery’s Nolly is top drawer. I am honestly in awe of this record as it moves me in every way possible. Musically, it’s just amazing and lyrically, it is so moving, and the melody and harmonies just epic. To Become Someone Else has to be one of the best songs I have heard in ages, such a stirring song. Tom S England’s vocal delivery is just perfect and his style is full of emotion and feel. Say follows right after, and again leaves the listener in awe. The vocal and melody are nearly in AOR territory but that heavy low end chunk just take it to places a new. Marvellous stuff!

The whole album is just a wonder of modern Prog metal music and deserves to be in everyone’s collection. This could be my album of the year! Do your brain and emotions a favour and BUY THIS ALBUM!

10/10 from The Grooveman.

TESTAMENT – The New Order

Out of all thirteen Testament albums this is my favourite, and as I have mentioned before, Testament ARE part of the big four and are way better than Slayer. Slayer are just a one trick pony, whereas Testament have a whole lot going on within their music and never lose the sight of the groove, which is so important in metal.

They sure know how to build drama into a tune as well, the intro to Trial By Fire is soooo freakin’ awesome with the cool quiet guitar intro and then that pounding bass and drum groove. This song is a thrash classic my friends, and that head just has to bang. Chugga Chuuga all the way. Into The Pit thrashes like crazy and Alex Skolnick is just a beast on the guitar. The short instrumental Hypnosis just has the hairs on my arms at attention, as Skolnick’s playing is just sublime.

This album is a belter all the way, and you just can’t beat old school thrash when it’s done as good as this. Plenty of groove and chunk is all a man needs. Favourite track? It’s has to be Trial By Fire, but there are so many great moments on this album. I could have easily gone for The Preacher, for that cool guitar intro alone.

If you are an old school thrasher then you will already have this, but if not, why?

10/10 from The Grooveman. 

FATE – A Matter Of Attitude

Album number two from Denmark’s finest melodic pomp rockers. Unusually for a band in this genre, there isn’t a ballad to be seen, which gets a major plus point in my book as all the tunes rock out but with a big melodic edge. The emphasis here is on the huge hook and chorus backed up with a killer rhythm section and short sharp solos when needed.

Released in ’86 it was prime time for this style of rock, and you would have thought that American radio would have lapped this up but apparently not. The two singles that were released, Won’t Stop and Summerlove, didn’t fare that well. My favourite track is Hunter, which closes out Side 1. It has a cool guitar intro and the hook and chorus do remind of Styx with the big call and repeat.

A fun album that gives off lots of summer vibes.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

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