You don’t even have to see the cover to know what this band are all about, the name alone tells you everything you need. Yet, another one and they’re done band. They just released this one album back in ’89 and then folded. It was surprisingly released on Metal Blade, which was a slight departure for them.
Fronted but female vocalist Jenni Foster (it was very unusual to see a glam sleaze band with a female vocalist), this album is a lot better than some of the other cheesy sleaze bands of the period. There are maybe three of tracks that stand out above the rest. These are Sympathy, which closes out Side 1. It is a kick ass tune and has that dirty rock n’ roll groove that I really love, complete with a tasty solo. Also the side 2 opener Scream And Shout, with it’s cool NWOBHM vibe mixed in with the glam. And lastly, my favourite tune on the record, China Doll. This is a sure fire crowd pleaser with a four to floor groove that you will be singing along to.
A fun listen that other glam bands cannot reach.
8/10 from The Grooveman.