Now, I like to spend a bit more time with an album before I make a comment about it, and I have only had this one for three days. However, playing by my own rules, here we go.
I was not sure what I was expecting. Mick is a 70’s influenced player and didn’t know if he would go back to those roots or do something way left of centre. Well, I’d say that’s a no to both. The vibe and production are quite modern, that is1 the easiest path to take. It definitely does not sound like Motley Crüe, and that is a good thing.
I really liked the album on the first few listens. It’s very song orientated and even the slower tracks like Alone are really strong, giving extra dimension and groove to what is essentially a power ballad. Killing Breed is a song that would never have existed in his previous ensemble. This is such a deep and heavy song both musically and vocally. I don’t mean in a fast speedy way, but sonically and subject wise.
It’s quite easy for songs like Loyal To The Lie, Right Side Of Wrong, or Ain’t Going Back because they have that heavy riff and catchy groove that immediately hits home, but I find myself drawn to Killing Breed as my favourite as it’s the song that is most full of surprises. Also, I really dig the instrumental track LA Noir as I think it shows the real Mick.
A very enjoyable record.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.