The classic first album was released back in ’92 and this is the recent reissue on Real Gone Music. Of course, I have had the CD since forever ago and it’s cool to final have a copy on vinyl.
The band broke up after touring this album and the obvious reunion (sort of) happened in 2002. I think the brief for this project was to do something that had a harder edge but still having the melody and hooks, and for the most part they succeeded.
There are some great banging tunes lurking in these grooves and Rhythm In A Red Car is up there with the best. Schon is really riffing it up big time with a monster guitar sound and the beat just drives this beauty home. Killer track! Of course the huge power ballads can’t be held at bay and Change Of Heart should keep the aor brigade drooling.
It’s the uptempo rockers that really do it for me, Schon was born to play these type of songs. Life’s A Bitch, Dr. Love, and Takin’ Me Down all hit the spot. Hot Cherie I think did some business as a single and gave the band a push in the right direction, this is the only song where my brain thinks Journey. Bad Taste is a close second for best tune as this baby drives along at a great pace with a super catchy hook and chorus, and I love the main riff and solo.
Overall, this is a very good record and is as welcome addition to my collection and maybe to yours too.
9/10 from The Grooveman.