This is the debut album from the (seemingly) very prolific Plini, released back in 2016. In fact, he has only released two full length albums, most of his physical releases are EPs.
If you are a lover of instrumental progressive guitar music then this is a must. It’s full of amazing playing, killer grooves, and a great production. This is a killer record from needle drop to fade out.
The title track is one big awesome fest right from the get go. Stunning playing without it being a widdle fest, matched with a great groove and beat. My favourite track however is Inhale. There is so much going on here, with a groove that chops and changes from really cool jazz vibes to prog metal low end rumble. The whole album is just a treat for the ears.
There is definitely something in the water (or beer) in Australia, as there is so much amazing music there right now. More please!
10/10 from The Grooveman.