It’s been a while since I gave this a spin. You forget what a near perfect hard rock masterpiece this is.
This was album number two for Tesla released in ’89, Geffen must have thought they had struck gold with it. Hang Tough is such a great tune to open up with and then boom, Lady Luck with those huge backing vocals nips in behind. The dirty blues of Heavens Trail follows that opening, major props to the record company for releasing this as a single. It’s a great dirty sounding tune. Be A Man sounds as though it belongs in the Deep South instead of California. You can pick any of the first three as my favourite tune as they are all equally as good.
I won’t do song by song breakdown here because this is such a class album that all melodic rock fans will know intimately, but I will tell you the album has been certified double platinum and still gets squillions of streams. Class will always be class.
Tesla are still releasing albums with quality tunes and long may they do so.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.