This is album number four for Shooting Star. It was released in ’83 and was the last of their albums to hit the charts. They had a somewhat unique sound coming over as a cross between Survivor and Journey. They certainly had everything going for them: a contract with Virgin who were desperate to sign an American melodic rock band, and they were coupled with producer Kevin Elson who had a great track record with aor bands.
This album is a bit hit and miss for me. Tracks like Straight Ahead, Taken Enough, and Go For It from Side 1 and Winner from Side 2 are great songs, but the rest just don’t reach the heights I’m afraid, and the cover of Reach Out is a bit meh.
You could put together a great album of Shooting Start if you took the best tracks from their first four albums.
6.5/10 from The Grooveman.