Day: December 11, 2023 (Page 2 of 2)


Device never played live and were a studio plaything for Mike Chapman and Holly Knight. You may of heard of Holly Knight as she wrote songs for Tina Turner, Pat Benatar, and Aerosmith. The Best, Love Is A Battlefield, and Rag Doll are probably being the most well known songs she wrote.

This album is typical mid-eighties slick American radio pop rock. They had a minor hit with Hanging On A Heart Attack, which leads off the record. I’m not a fan of programmed drums, especially those from the eighties as I think they sound horrible, and unfortunately that’s all you get here. Plus, a lot of the tracks delve into synth pop territory which isn’t my bag either. There are some really good songs however, like Pieces On The Ground and Hanging On A Heart Attack which are classic pop rock of the time.

I had this album given to me (I didn’t buy it thankfully), but I will go with Pieces On The Ground as my favourite tune.

6/10 from The Grooveman.

PLINI – Impulse Voices

He’s been described as Prog metal’s version of Joe Satriani, I sort of get the analogy. Both of them have the emphasis on melody, and both get their message across without using a million wasted notes. Plini releases a squillion singles and EP’s, but I think this is only his second full length album.

Plini is my new favourite musician. His talent is phenomenal and it’s so refreshing to hear music played this way. Papelillo is such an aural adventure that takes you from Prog to jazz, with some seriously deep heavy grooves inserted for maximum pleasure. Drool!

If you want to listen to that Satriani reference, the opening track I’ll Tell You Someday is the only one here that I think fits. There is a breakdown towards the end of Perfume that is so cool with the keys and that electronic groove, the sound separation is just awesome. Pan is just wonderous. From the ethereal soundscape beginning, to that low heavy crunch, plus that saxophone works so well – the solo after is insane. FAVOURITE TUNE!

What away to end an album with The Glass Bead Game, it’s such a beautiful piece of music with plenty of twists and groove changes that you feel you just want more. I think everyone should have Plini in their lives, his music is such an uplifting experience.

10/10 from The Grooveman.

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