This is album number seven for House of Lords, since their comeback in 2004. It goes like most of their modern releases: huge, fat, crunchy guitar, lots of keys, and plenty of melody in the choruses. Jimi Bell is the secret weapon here as he can throw out some serious heavy riffs seemingly at will, with the added bonus of being a top drawer shredder.
Killer opening with Go To Hell. It’s got maximum riffage and groove, with a kickass hook and chorus. The title track is up next and this may be my favourite. A nice chugga riff with a great swing to the groove, and I really love the hook and chorus. Third track in and it’s power ballad number one with Pillar Of Salt. The solo is killer though. Maximum riffing and groove returns at 100mph and it’s not a cover of the Vardis tune. I love this one! Call My Bluff closes out Side 1 and it’s an AOR fans wet dream. Lots of keys, and plenty of melody.
We Will Always Be One opens up Side 2 with a whimper as it’s ballad time again. Superb eerie intro to Die To Tell, which gives way to a huge rifforama with a superb melody over the top. Great tune! Another Dream follows and if this was 1984 I would release this as a single. Everything about this song oozes class. Eye Of The Storm is up next and this is the song that I like the least. It feels like a demo compared to the rest. Ain’t Suicidal verges on Prog metal territory in the verse with a great four to the floor groove. The album closes out with Stand And Deliver, and we are going out with a bang. It has a great uptempo driving riff and groove.
Another solid release that they seem to do with ease.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.