Day: November 14, 2023 (Page 2 of 2)


Who? I hear you ask. Well, when Diamond Head sort of fell apart in the mid eighties vocalist Sean Harris got together with guitarist Robin George to form this project. Now, it’s nothing like Diamond Head and I would say this is closer to pop than rock but I think it’s a really cool record. It was a great move to make at the time as melodic rock was dominant (especially in the US), and I see why John Kalodner signed them to Geffen.

Opening track The Swalk feels a bit like Robert Palmer in his “Addicted” phase. This Night has a big Bad Company vibe with a huge guitar sound. You Need More is pure AOR goodness; huge on the melody. Just to turn things upside down, Arrianne feels like new wave pop. Losing You closes out Side 1 and keeps the new wave thing going but with a much slower groove.

Radio Silence turns up the volume somewhat and has an old school rock n’ roll vibe buried in the mix, Billy Squier keeps popping up in my head. Eyes Of The World has a big Queen vibe, with a hint of funk. Touch starts like Tears For Fears and carries on like that all the way through. I would describe Love Fades as a pop ballad. The close out tune I Believe In You ends with some old school R’n’B.

I can see why people backed away at the time as Harris and George both came from hard rock backgrounds and the only audience that knew them would shy away from anything like this. The online reviews for this are extreme in their hate or love of it. I am somehow in between.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.

PAUL LAINE – Stick It In Your Ear

Paul Laine is yet another melodic rock artist that came on the scene just a little too late. Most people might remember Paul more for fronting Danger Danger after Ted Poley jumped ship. As far as I’m aware, this was Paul’s first release and it originally came out in ’90. Somebody really believed in his talents as Bruce Fairbairn was brought in to produce the album.

This album had a bit of success in Canada as the two singles that were released, Dorianna and Is It Love charted. If it would have been me, I would have released my favourite track, We Are The Young. It’s a monster track with a lot more groove and rock than the other two. I can see why Dorianna  was the lead off track as it’s a more radio friendly tune. But you know me, I always go with the rock.

There is actually quite a lot of kick ass guitar on the album, courtesy of Kenny Koos and Paul himself. Side 2 opener Main Attraction is another great rockin’ tune with a massive hook and chorus, on another day I could have picked this as my favourite tune.  Another track that really floats my boat is Doin Time. A slightly different vibe and groove that’s almost a shuffle, but man does this baby swing.

This album passed a lot of people by at the time as tastes were changing, but this would be a great addition to any self respecting rocker’s collection.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

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