Avenged Sevenfold are a band that seemingly aren’t afraid to challenge their fans. I was very intrigued when I read about them releasing a “Prog” album. I’m all for bands pushing the boundaries of what is expected of them, so this had my name written all over it.
They don’t waste any time in getting into the Prog with opener Game Over. A mix of light and shade for sure. I love the clean sound interspersed with maximum crunch. M Shadow’s vocals are a revelation. It’s almost show tunes Broadway time with this one. Mattel takes this vibe further and I have to say I love it, very dramatic! Nobody starts with a very heavy, doomy, electronic vibe and the multi layered vocal harmonies are superb.
There is not a lot that’s straightforward about this record and We Love You is super twisted. It has a very metal double kick intro that flows into max riffage, then a quick change to electronica, all with different grooves. Cosmic is as close as we get to a ballad here and the solo before the heavier groove kicks in is superb. Killer Alice In Chains groove to the opening of Beautiful Morning, and I have to say this is my favourite. It has the right amount of evil mixed with the beauty of that vocal line.
Easier is slightly more straightforward with the riffing and grooves. Again, the solo is so melodic and cool. G opens up Side 4 and it’s like we have walked in on a Zappa session. Killer tune! Ordinary is a change from anything so far with its pop groove and harmonizer vocals. Dreams is next up and fifties crooner springs into my mind. The album plays out with the title track, which is a sole piano.
Well done Avenged Sevenfold for doing something so left field, and delivering an album that you have to play all the way through.
9/10 from The Grooveman.