Hurricane are another resurrected back from the dead band. These guys are unique as they have been resurrected twice. Once in 2001 with the album Liquifury and now twenty-two years later with this release on Escape Music. Well, at least there are two original members with Robert Sarzo and Tony Cavazo in the band. So was it worth bringing them back from the dead? Yes, of course it was. Class musicians don’t make stinkers and that is proved here. That is, apart from their Under Pressure cover.
Rock Star Cheater opens up in fine style and this is exactly what I expected. A kick ass, uptempo, melodic groover that hits the spot perfectly, it’s my favourite song. You & I follows and has a different vibe and groove adding that variety, I’m loving the vocals and harmonies on this one. Under Pressure is next and there are some songs that you should just leave alone, this is one of them. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just that the original was so unique and can never be bettered. It’s big ballad time next with Behind Your Shadow. Yup, it’s a ballad. The vocals are strong, and the solo is decent. Innocent Girl closes out Side 1 and it’s AOR-a-plenty here with a big hook and chorus and a simple chugga riff.
Don’t Change Your Love kicks Side 2 into gear with a hands in the air anthem. A great simple riff with a hook and chorus that you can’t help but sing a long to. That happy party groove continues into the next tune I’m On To You complete with “NaNaNa” sing a longs. A hint of psychedelia next with the intro to Hand Of Souls, which is essentially a country rock power ballad. Disconnected carries on the vibe, although this one is a bit darker. I love the vocals and harmonies. Back to the party vibe with Blind Love. Another simple riff and groove, but so effective. We close out the album with an acoustic piece called Wishing Well, with a nursery rhyme-style vocal.
All in all not a bad return, but not a classic either.
7/10 from The Grooveman.