Day: September 23, 2023

THE CULT – Ceremony

This is the band’s fifth studio album and the follow up to the awesome Sonic Temple. It’s also the one that no one seems to talk about, an almost forgotten record. Of course the band were basically just a duo at this point and hired hands were brought in to play bass and drums.

Opening track and the title track has huge Zeppelin influences right from Billy’s guitar sound to the Bonham style drums, but the bv’s in the chorus sound like Def Leppard. Ian Astbury’s obsession with Native American imagery and sounds is there for all to hear at the intro to Wild Hearted Son before the huge riff and groove kick in. Earth Mofo is a kick ass uptempo rocker with a great riff from Billy. White opens and the intro is classic Cult, then those huge Zeppelin vibes take over. If starts off with just Ian singing and a piano, and you forget just how good a voice he has.

Full Tilt kicks Side 2 into gear and that riff is pure Sunset Strip. Great guitar sound and groove, and I love the time change! Heart Of Soul was released as a single. I love the huge drum sound in Bangkok Rain, channeling the inner Bonham for sure. Indian is the big acoustic ballad on the album with no drums, returning to the Native American narrative. Sweet Salvation is a big power ballad in true hair band style. The album closes out with Wonderland, returning to more Cultish sounds and grooves. The riff and swing to this are awesome and it’s my favourite track.

It’s very interesting, just as other bands were dumping the polished hair rock sounds for earthier grunge tones in ’91, The Cult came out with their hair rock album. I think that’s down to Ritchie Zito’s production. I do love this album, and the vinyl sounds awesome.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.


This is album number two for the alt/grunge supergroup and a band and sound that fitted the amazing vocal talents of Chris Cornell perfectly. The band by this time had honed their sound into a 70’s classic rock/grunge hybrid that was so unique. I think Tom Morello is a killer player, but sometimes he should dump the squeaks and squeals and put something with feeling into the song instead.

Be Yourself is a superb track and shows again, when you keep it simple it can be the most effective, and I love the vocal so much. The band have this great ability to flick the switch and the groove just flies, and I’m sure this is from the Lock Up days. Check out Drown Me Slowly, which veers from a most beautiful delicate tune into this heavy monster groove. This album is a lot more laid back than the debut, but when they do rock it up, like on Man Or Animal, it works more for me. However. my favourite track is Yesterday To Tomorrow. Yes, a more laid back groove but the vocal and melody are superb and Morello is playing for the song which sounds killer.

I do prefer the debut, but this is still a good album.

8/10 from The Grooveman.