Month: July 2023 (Page 3 of 10)

SNARKY PUPPY – We Like It Here

Hopefully most of you will have at least heard of this jazz fusion collective. They are one of the best live experiences on the planet. I first heard this through a DVD I purchased and was so blown away that I just had to have a vinyl copy of it.

Believe it or not, this is a live album that was recorded and filmed in Holland. A very unique set up as the audience was mostly in the middle and the band around the edge in what was a quite a small space, considering how many musicians there were. I think there are 20 musicians so you get an idea how cramped it was.

I will give special mention to two of them however, Larnell Lewis on drums who I have to say is other worldly as he keeps the beat and groove going when every one around him is improvising, plus his solo in What About Me is absolutely amazing. Also a mention to Cory Henry on keys whose solo in Lingus is incredible and I’m not sure I have seen anyone improv as awesome as this anywhere.

In short, I implore all of you to beg, borrow, or steal a copy either on vinyl or the DVD/CD package as you will NOT be disappointed. Killer stuff!

10/10 from The Grooveman.

LILLIAN AXE – Sad Day On Planet Earth

This is album number seven for the band and it was released back in 2009, twenty one years after their debut. They have kept banging away through a vastly changing musical landscape and indeed released their latest just album last year. I know the metal sound spreads far and wide and it’s very hard to lay down your own individual footprint, but Lillian Axe are one of the bands that have managed to do just that.

This is an album you won’t be able to digest in one sitting, concept albums rarely are, you have to return again and again for it to sink in. Tracks that really do it for me are Jesus Wept, the title track, Down Below The Ocean, and my favourite Blood Raining Down On Her Wings. Not the most metal track in the album but one that emphasizes the band’s great sense of melody.

Cool record.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

ZED YAGO – Pilgrimage

A band that didn’t do a whole bunch other than the two albums they recorded, this is album two.

A very confusing opening, I’m not sure if I’m listening to Queen with the overblown intro. When things settle down however, a more medieval vibe takes over mixed with a more classic rock groove. Vocalist Jutta has a great set of pipes and I’m sure she has had some sort of operatic training. The music is more slow and dramatic than your usual metal fare ,with big chords and pounding beats. However, when they do speed it up a notch the band seem to come into their own and my favourite track Pioneer On The Storm is a perfect example. A nice riff and a four four groove does the trick. The only other song that grabs me is Achiles Heel, where again they groove it up a notch and the hook and chorus are quite radio friendly.

I can see why they called it quits after this as they have a somewhat niche sound.

6.5/10 from The Grooveman.

SLEEZE BEEZ – Screwed Blued & Tattooed

Most people don’t seem to realize that these guys are from Holland and not the U.S. When you listen to the music you will know why.

This is album number two for the band, released back in ’89. You can’t deny that opener Rock In The Western World is a slam dunk of a track to open the album with. A superb uptempo groover that rocks your world from the get go. Definitely my favourite track. House Is On Fire is a hybrid AC/DC/Def Leppard riff fest. That simple groove and beat I’m always banging on about is a sure fire winner every time. The title track keeps the groove a rollin’ and this is the first track where you can say the music fits the name. Stranger Than Paradise was released as a single in the U.S. and it’s the most radio friendly song on the record. Side 1 close out track Damned If We Do Damned If We Don’t is a no nonsense Sunset Strip sing a long sleaze rifforama. Great first side!

Heroes Die Young has that big stomp drum sound that again reminds of Def Leppard. The second super radio friendly track is up next with This Time, and you’ll be very surprised with the Journey-style hook and chorus. Back to the four to floor rockin’ with the wonderfully titled When The Brains Go To The Balls, where those DC riffs hit the spot. Don’t Talk About Roses is more of the same with a great main riff. Last track is Girls Girls Nasty Nasty and it’s good to go out on Friday night party special.

An often overlooked album of the time, which is a shame as it’s a kick ass record.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

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