This is the debut album from Canada’s White Wolf, released back in ’84 although they have been around since the mid 70’s. They did a comeback in 2007 after they split up in late ’86 and released a new album through Escape Music. As with a lot of Canadian rock bands, they have that something that separates them from their American counterparts. It’s hard to explain but it’s a sound and a vibe.
Vocalist Don Wilk reminds me of Graham Bonnet with his phrasing and tone. Headlines could have been an Alcatraz tune as the vocals and harmonies are so close. I would say that’s my favourite track. Other highlights are the Styx sounding Shadows Of The Night and the NWOBHM riffing of close out track Trust Me. They are like having two bands in one as they flip flop between the pomp and the straight up hard rock, which I think they are best at.
Not a bad album, although I do prefer their second album.
7.5/10 from The Grooveman.