This is the Spanish band’s third album, released in 2018. Now, I’m sure most of you may be unfamiliar with Lords of Black but you may know of the vocalist, who fronted the last version of Rainbow that Ritchie Blackmore put together. You can see why Ritchie picked him as he has that Dio tone to his voice.
Before we get into it, I have to say this is one of the best sounding Frontiers pressings I have heard; very clear and crisp. If power metal is your thing, then this should be right up your alley.
World Gone Mad is a song in three parts that opens up the proceedings. Ronnie’s voice is so powerful and a sense of the dramatic is ever present, not only in this tune but throughout the album. Icons Of The New Day emphasizes that point perfectly, and coupled with a nice fat riff from guitarist Tony Hernandez makes this a great tune. Not In A Place Like This opens up with some beastly double kicks and a very heavy staccato riff, and the vocal melody just sits nicely over the top.
A very speedy riff and groove open up Side 2 with When A Hero Takes A Fall. I love the dual guitar sound and that fat sounding guitar on the main chords. Forevermore just sounds like an extension of the previous track as the groove and riffs are very familiar at the intro. A nice change in pace and feel flows into the intro of The Way I’ll Remember. A main riff that’s more at home in a melodic rock band like Dokken. Fallin’ ends the first disc and the eye and ear is on the vocal melody as this is the most commercial sounding track yet.
Kings Reborn opens up Side 3 and that slow pounding riff and groove sound so familiar. That main riff is huge and epic though. Back to the big chugga riffing on Long Way To Go and it’s a very infectious song. As I have said many times, sometimes simple is best and that’s definitely the case here. The Edge Of Darkness again brings the chugga’s with a much heavier vibe. Massive riffage and double kicks all the away with Wait No Prayers For The Dying; definitely my favourite track. Lots of energy and heavy groove with this one, and you could swear Dio was singing in there. The album closes out with All I Have Left, the epic of the album. At 11:32 it’s the longest song and delivers big time with a very slow ballad intro then it just grows and grows.
A great sounding and very enjoyable record.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.