This is the last great Pantera album. Sure, they had moments after this but inner turmoil within the band definitely affected subsequent releases. I know I go on about groove quite a lot in my reviews, but these guys had it nailed. If you need a lesson in groove in metal then Pantera should be your teachers. I will pick out five tracks to emphasize this.
Opening tune Strength Beyond Strength starts like the devil is on their tails at a ferocious pace with killer riffage, but then they insert a pure groove section to keep you entertained. Becoming is a groove metal monster. Right from the get go Dime and Vinnie are locked together giving it the beans. In fact, this song is all about the groove. Next, I will pick the king of all Pantera grooves: 5 Minutes Alone. All the way through, right until nearly the fade when the groove gets even deeper and grooving away into the silence. Awesome! I’m Broken, the daddy of all groovy riffs. Vinnie’s drums are killer, and this is another tune that keeps grooving all the way. The middle eight and the end are superb examples of how to groove in metal. Shedding Skin is an example of a heavier tune that keeps the groove going throughout, but that change in gear mid way through is so epic it’s one of my favourite Dime and Vinnie moments.
Forever missed!
10/10 from The Grooveman.