This is a reissue of Lynch Mob’s 2009 album that originally appeared on Frontiers. I’m a huge fan of George as he is one of this generation’s best guitar players, with a style and sound all of his own. Joining George on this release is Oni Logan on vocals, Marco Mendoza on bass, and Scott Coogan on drums. Oni and George were only together originally on the Wicked Sensation album, which I loved, so it’s cool to see them back together.
The majority of this album hits the spot, like the killer opening track 21st Century Man, which has all the swagger and groove of before, as well as my favourite track My Kind Of Healer which captures that hint of funk and dirty blues that the band do so well, and George plays killer all the way through. Whether it’s the main riff, those little fills, or the solo, George is the man. Time Keepers is a contender also, that main riff is huge and Oni’s voice is superb.
This album feels like a natural follow up to Wicked Sensation and it’s better. Killer album and George is still the man.
9/10 from The Grooveman.