These are another band from the world of early eighties US metal that I thought would have done a lot more and been further on up the ladder. This is their debut album released on Shrapnel back in ’85, and I think it was the first appearance on record of guitarist Vinnie Moore. Other than a production that sounds as though it was recorded next door, this is a kick ass record and one of the first speed metal albums.
The album opens up with a short instrumental titled Premonition, before the album kicks in proper with Ride (Into The Sun). A full on power metal romp with some killer solos from Vinnie. Geoff Thorpe (who I think is still the only original member in the band today) is the other axman in the band. Medusa is a more traditional metal groove with a great riff, and the solos are top drawer. The title track is up next and the groove and vibe are anthemic chest thumping metal. Murder starts with a killer eerie guitar pattern then its double kicks a go go with a hint of Iron Maiden thrown in. March Or Die closes out Side 1 and this is my favourite tune. A slower groove and vibe with some great guitar, but it’s those cheesy eighties “death to false metal” style lyrics that really bring a smile.
Blitz The World blasts into life to kick off Side 2 . Double kicks pounding with a fast chugga riff and wailing guitars. Happy days! Invader is Vinnie just wailing, shredding, and showing off his chops; he would get his own solo release a year after this. In Fire is next up and I love the twin guitar intro before the main groove kicks in, and the speed on those kick drums…! No triggers here! A completely different vibe to Domestic Bliss; an early Sabbath feel with a much slower groove. Blistering Winds closes out the album and you can guess it’s not a ballad.
It’s amazing they are still going with all the trials that they have had.
8/10 from The Grooveman.