Day: April 22, 2023


Another Canadian band that didn’t do a whole bunch outside of Canada. Hailing from Edmonton, Pretty Rough released two albums of which this is the second, and was released in ’84.

You have to wonder why record companies sign bands sometimes, as they obviously don’t know what they have. For example, I think the only single that was released was Don’t Bite. Now, it’s not a bad track and it got to #14 in the charts, but the far better track was Hold On. Now this tune rocks, and was a much better piece to be released as a single but for some reason it wasn’t meant to be. In fact, Tearin’ Up would have also been better, as the similarities to Brian Adams are quite evident and it’s a great tune to boot.

The album sounds very of it’s time, and if they would have concentrated on the rock tunes instead of pop tunes like Trouble Boy, then they may have done more.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.

CONCEPTION – The Last Sunset

This is the Norwegian band’s first album, released back in ’91. They were a more straight ahead metal band at this point, before the huge progressive vibes came to the fore. Nice to see that they have remastered these reissues specifically for vinyl, as they were originally CD only releases, and I have to say they sound great.

Prevision kicks things off, then it’s straight in with Burning A Force – the double kicks blasting in with a suitably metal riff to match. It has an interesting middle section with some killer playing. War Of Hate has a very odd intro with Spanish guitar flurries before the metal arrives, and Khan supplying the drama with that oh so distinctive voice. The Spanish influence returns in the instrumental middle eight. Bowed Down With Sorrow is up next and the pace slows right down with the slow riff repeating over and over.

Side 2 opens up with Fairy’s Dance, a metal take on a folk themed vibe – a very cool tune. Another World starts with a great choppy riff that sounds a tad like Metallica in places, and towards the end it turns into a Sabbath-style doom fest. Elegy follows and it’s an instrumental track with a Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here vibe. The title track is up next and it’s my favourite track. It’s the one song on the album which points to what is to come. Killer vocal!! Live To Survive starts with some old school thrash riffage in fact it’s what drives the whole tune. Among The Gods is the last proper track on the album. Great riffage with the return of the flamenco influence, mixed with that slight Metallica vibe. Side 4 is given over to three demos: Midnight Sun, Bound To Suffer, and By Dawns Early Night – which are all killer.

A great band that thankfully are back together again.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.