A few of my friends are amazed at my liking for this band, and wonder what I could possibly like that has me raving about them. Now, I’ll admit that some of the imagery they use when playing live is a bit over the top, but there is no denying that most of their songs are built up from huge guitar riffs, and we should all know by now that is what I love the most. I also like some electronic music, and Rammstein do combine them both very well.
Sonically this album is killer, and super clear even when played at higher volumes. Just to blow my assumption about their reliance on guitar, the first three tracks are more electronic in nature with the guitar taking a back seat, but normal service is resumed with Giftig and the single Zick Zack, which is killer. That riff and groove are undeniably awesome and it is most definitely my favourite track. OK is the perfect mix of electronic and crunch, and Dicke Titten with the intro of the oompah band is genius.
I like this album a lot and it adds some light and shade to my collection.
9/10 from The Grooveman.