Believe it or not Roxx Gang have been around since ’82, but it wasn’t until ’88 when they released this, their debut album on Virgin. I always thought these guys were a step up from the usual LA flash and trash brigade as they could actually write really catchy tunes, plus boy could they play. They made use of the twin guitar sound with both Jeff Taylor and Wade Hayes; great players. Virgin did the usual track of loading the first side with maximum blast as singles Scratch My Back and No Easy Way Out are tracks 1 and 2 on Side 1.
Any band of the time would have been proud of Scratch My Back, killer hook and melody coupled with that earworm chorus. Winner all the way. Race With The Devil is an uptempo glam romp and one of those tunes that just puts a smile on your face. Killer Latin flavoured opening to Red Rose, which is basically a power ballad. Great hook and chorus with added monster guitar solo. Live Fast Die Young closes out Side 1. A slow chugga riff with a call and repeat style hook and chorus.
Too Cool For School opens up Side 2 with another variation on THAT riff, surely the most overused riff in history. I really like the song though as it’s just a fun tune. Ball And Chain is a modern sleazy take on an old blues and gospel groove, complete with slide and banjo. Great tune! A monster opening riff to Fastest Gun In Town, and I really love the hook and chorus. Nine Lives is the one tune on the album that I would say is typical LA sleaze, and even then the chorus hook are a step above. It’s last track time with I Need Your Sex and we all know that’s about nuclear physics, right kids? Musically it’s a fun uptempo rocker with some killer guitar.
Definitely one of the better bands around that scene and this gem is often overlooked.
9/10 from The Grooveman.