In The Dead Daisies’ short period of existence, its members have come and gone; it’s been a bit like a revolving door. This is the second album to feature the voice of Glenn Hughes on vocals and bass duties. Of course, with someone as recognizable as Glenn on vocals it’s very hard for the band when they record to not sound like a Hughes solo album. The vibe and sound of the band have changed over the last two albums, and that is solely down to Hughes and guitarist Doug Aldrich.
A very heavy blues vibe is the order of the day with that subtle hint of funk. Don’t get me wrong, I love that heavy groove music and this album doesn’t disappoint. Glenn as usual gives it everything, and Aldrich’s playing is awesome. Let’s get to the meat and potatoes, and the high points (it’s nearly all an high point). Shine On with that simple riff and four to the floor groove hits the spot, as does Born To Fly with that huge guitar sound, but it’s the single Radiance that gets my vote as favourite track. Stunning track with a masterclass from Glenn, I love the rhythm and guitar sound.
This may be the best album they have done.
9/10 from The Grooveman.