I thinking I’m right in saying this was the first Sweet album that they had fully written themselves. No Chapman and Chinn writing all the hits. It’s also the band’s heaviest sounding album that inspired a lot of the 80’s glam bands.
Just to prove they could have hit singles on their own, Action was released as the first single and was a huge hit. A superb opening to the album. It’s a statement track and a big FU to all the doubters, it’s been covered by tons of bands. Healer which closes out Side 1 was a definite left field move for the band as it has a huge jam feel to it, especially with the funky middle section.
It’s Side 2 that has all treasures though. The Lies In your Eyes was the second single. A decent enough tune with those killer layered harmonies, but it bombed in comparison to Action. The John Bonham opening drum blast and the heavy groove to Cockroach is killer. Lady Starlight is the only disappointment as I feel it has a completely different vibe to the rest of the album. Let me know how many Motley Crüe tracks Keep It In remind you of. It has a great riff and groove, and the middle section is awesome, it’s favourite track time for sure. The album closes out with 4th Of July and was the third single released, this also bombed. The intro has a hint of Deep Purple, maybe that’s why Ritchie Blackmore liked them so much. They did support Rainbow on this tour (I think). Another blast from my past and this is really solid album.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.