Another superb reissue from the Night Of The Vinyl Dead label, their quality is top notch. This time it’s the second album from Denmark’s finest, Royal Hunt. I have mentioned before the amount of Euro bands that don’t mean a whole bunch in North America, and Royal Hunt are definitely are one of them. They are classed as progressive metal but they lean way more to the melodic side and come across as a heavier Kansas, well on this album anyway. The band revolves around main man and keyboard maestro Andre Andersen, and the majority of the songs are driven by the keys.
A huge pomp intro starts off the album in a very grandiose way that leads into opener Wasted Time, a great and very melodic track. On The Run mixes the pomp of the keys with an over the top operatic harmonies, and the double kicks driving all the way. Definitely my favourite track. Third Stage reminds me of Yngwie with huge classical overtones. Here Today Gone Tomorrow starts off at a killer pace and grooves hard.
They would change vocalists after this album, bringing in the great DC Cooper and I can see why as Henrik Brockmann’s vocals are the weak link on the album. Great music though!
8/10 from The Grooveman.