I’ve had this about four months now and yes, it’s an unofficial one as I have given up hope of getting an OG without selling a body part. What a voice Ray Gillen had man, it’s so sad he was taken away so soon. The bluesy style of this band was perfect for him and there are not many rock singers out there that can touch him.
The band released two albums while they were going strong; this and the self-titled first album. Dusk, which was a selection of demos, was released after the band’s demise. This album is all about Ray, sure Jake rips it up a storm, but those vocals are immense.
The Last Time gets things under way with a killer dirty groove and what a superb vocal. Show Me The Way is all Ray, it gives me goosebumps listening to it now. Shine On is my favourite track on the album as both Jake and Ray give killer performances, and man what a dirty groove. Whiskey Dust has that old school blues vibe but with a very early seventies sound and feel. Joe’s Blues is just Jake and an acoustic. Soul Stealer blows out Side 1 and is the heaviest groove so far with both Jake and Ray wailing away. Big shout-out to Greg Chaisson and Jeff Martin for being the grooviest rhythm section around.
3 Day Funk opens up side 2 and as the title suggests it’s just one big groovefest. I love the funky guitar and Jake suits this style of playing. Killer opening to Silver Horses with Jake’s guitar on the verge of feedback, and what an awesome groove. Love Don’t Mean A Thing mixes the funk with a heavy blues swagger. If Free and early Zeppelin had a love child – !!! The title track is an old school slide blues piece with Rays vocal and footstomps. Fire And Rain reminds me of a heavier Allmans tune. Heavens Train is driven along by a superb Jake riff and a four to the floor groove. The album closes out with In A Dream, another acoustic blues piece with Ray just laying down a beautiful vocal. An album totally different from their first with that old school blues vibe.
9/10 from The Grooveman.