Day: September 24, 2022

MASTODON – Blood Mountain

This is the band’s third album, and was released in 2006. It’s cool to see how far they have come in those 16 years. It’s a concept album based around getting lost on a mountain and the experiences one would have. I’m sure some chemicals must have been imbibed at some point, as I’m sure my imagination would not conjure up themes as this.

The first two tracks, The Wolf Is Loose, and Crystal Skull, are quite heavy and speedy with some great riffs and hooks. Sleeping Giant is more of the direction the band are in today – a great change of pace and vibe. Capillarian Crest was released as a single, and is a very busy tune with so much going on riff and groove wise. They were nominated for a Grammy for the track, Colony Of Birchmen. That would have been cool if they had won. My favourite track on the record is Hunters Of The Sky. I love the proggy intro before the chaos begins. There is so much happening in this tune it’s incredible.

I love the whole production by the band and Matt Bayles – it’s a killer sounding album. Mastodon are a one-off that keep on making killer records that progress from one to the next, and long may they do so.

9.5/10 from The Grooveman.

ANTHRAX – Persistence Of Time

This is the last of the initial burst of Joey albums before he was unceremoniously dumped from the band – for reasons that I’m not sure anybody knows. Other than Among The Living, this is my favourite Thrax album. Not a bad moment to be heard on any of the grooves. After State Of Euphoria, which didn’t go down too well with the critics, I think this is a big F-U to all the haters – it’s a very heavy and superb record.

The opening of Time is crushing, with that relentless beat of the snare and killer riff – this is one of the best openings on any Anthrax record. Quickly followed by Blood, which has a monster intro before it settles down into that classic Anthrax blast. A monster rendition of Joe Jackson’s Got The Time, which was a surprise hit as a single, and was the surprise of the album. Discharge has to be one of the fastest most hardcore songs the band ever did. Keep It In The Family is my favourite track – it has one of those riffs that only Anthrax throw out that just makes you want to mosh. I love the pick up to this as the riff builds, and this is one of the best thrash tracks.

9.5/10 from The Grooveman.