Magnum had been slogging around for a few years with not much success, and they were supporting anyone who would have them. Then, with the release of Chase The Dragon, they made a breakthrough in the UK. When this album was released in ’85, the rest of the world began to listen.
The main focus of the band has always been singer Bob Catley, and guitarist Tony Clarkin, who wrote all the music and lyrics. I always thought they should have made it big in the US, as their sound sits comfortably in the area that Styx operate in. It’s very melodic with the big pomp production and sound, you think they would be a perfect fit.
How Far Jerusalem is opens up the album and is almost Prog in its feel, but the melodies let you know that we are in AOR territory. Just Like An Arrow was a single in the UK and I remember hearing it on the radio at the time. Endless Love is my favourite track, and there are parts of this song that remind me of Journey. It has a great hook and melody, and Clarkin’s guitar does remind of Schon at times. All England’s Eyes has that US radio feel to it and I was surprised that never was released as a single. Is this Magnum’s finest hour?
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.