Day: May 13, 2022


This is Jonny’s seventh studio album released in 2017, and he is continuing the trend of nearly every blues guitar slinger doing an album of fuzzed up tones. I don’t mind the occasional use of the fuzz box, but I love to hear the tones and notes. It’s not as bad as some, as this is more about songs and that honey dripping over glass voice of Jonny’s. 

I love the stripped down opening number, Make It Move, a bare bones blues vibe. Last Man Standing is a ripping tune with a killer groove and beat, and Jonny sings his ass off. What You’re Made Of has a superb funky vibe – and that voice…jeez! Stronger Together was a hit on the billboard chart with its heavy RnB vibe. The title track has a beast of an opening riff, with the aforementioned fuzz in full swing. Wisdom is my favourite track as we start with a bare bones beat and that stripped down sound, until the song bursts into life with a superb blues gospel ending.

This is a great sounding record with a killer production.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

ICON – s/t

This is the band’s first album released in ’84, and other than a brief mention in the relevant magazines of the time, it didn’t do that much (at least in the UK anyways), which was a great disservice to the band. This is a kick ass hair metal masterpiece, and every bit as good as any of the other usual suspects of that period. There’s not a bad moment on the album as it rocks right from the get go.

Opener, Rock On Through The Night, is a statement opening track if ever there was one. Killer riff and groove, and a massive hook and chorus. Killer Machine follows with a big slow pounding beat and groove, and a hands-in-the-air anthem chorus. On Your Feet is more of the same, a superb big rock sing-a-long monster in the vein of Quiet Riot, but these guys blow them out of the water. World War has a killer massive guitar tone and the sound is huge. Side 1 closes out with Hot Desert Night, a big chugga riff and a great ending to the first side.

Over we flip and Under My Gun is first up with a killer opening, before we settle into an up-tempo groove. I really love the main chorus and hook. Iconoclast follows and is a top drawer instrumental with some really nice guitar. Normal service is resumed with Rock N Roll Maniac, which is a big hair anthem if there ever was one. A very simple evil riff drives I’m Alive, before the sing-a-long anthem chorus and hook kick in. The album closes out with It’s Up To You and its ballad city…They say you should always end on a bang, but I guess they missed that memo.

This band should have been a household name just like their contemporaries. It’s another story of a record company not knowing how to market a band. Great record!

9/10 from The Grooveman.