Day: May 3, 2022


A killer album by a superb band, and this is one of my all time favourite records. I suppose you would categorize them as power pop, but that would be just scratching the surface as there is so much going on here. They have only made 4 albums since their inception in ’94, and you would be forgiven for thinking that they were not the most prolific band in the world, but in ’98, their main man, Tim Christensen, went solo. They are quite a big deal in their native Denmark and other parts of Scandinavia and have sold a ton of records.

Do you want to know why I think this album is so good? Well, the easy answer is that the songs are just so well written and done in a way that no one else does making them quite unique. They couple melodies and hooks, with great driving riffs and grooves that just appeal to me on every level, and I love Christensen’s vocals and phrasing. He does have a love of all things Beatles, but he does hide it quite well – except on tracks 11.07 (if you know you know), and the final outro of Alexander Salamander.

I love every second of this album, but three tracks really grab me at my bones: Break, which has a superb riff and groove that you just have to groove to, Riff Sang, again with a killer riff that is just amazing, and Take It Or Leave It, which brings the goosebumps out on my arm every time and is one of the best songs ever written. The emotion and delivery of the vocals alone is incredible.

Go check it out on PooTunes before you immediately have to empty your wallet at your local record emporium.

10/10 from The Grooveman.


The first two Rods albums were really good, although listening to the first one recently it did sound quite dated. This album was released after their third album, In The Raw, in ’83. You can’t beat a three-piece band, and Live, this band were hot.

You would be forgiven listening to opening track, I Live For Rock N Roll, that you were listening to Kiss, as this song is an absolute ringer. Next track, Hellbound, with the main riff nicked from Judas Priest, but I do like the groove of the track. Born To Rock is a good old stomper with a great solo. I’m all for guitar solos when they are creative and go somewhere, but Feinstein’s solo piece here is just noise. It flows into Speed Demon, and ironically, his solo here is sharp and to the point.

Flipping the wax over we get opening track, Hurricane, and without a doubt the best track and performance on the album. Devils Child follows and sees bass player Gary Bordonaro handle the vocals – I always thought he had the best voice in the band. Rabid Thunder is drum solo time, and the point where everyone usually goes to the bar. The album closes out with Cold Sweat And Blood, and it’s a return to the Kiss style stomper of the first track. Nine tracks on the album, two of which are solo spots. If this were a double album I get it, but I would have appreciated a couple of songs instead.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.