I love all these projects that Mike Portnoy has been involved with since his departure from the band he founded – Dream Theater. He certainly keeps himself busy that’s for sure.
What you get here is a selection of tunes from each of the member’s careers and this group’s take on each of them. You also get the obligatory solos from each of the members which takes up a chunk of the record. There is also a DVD of this event and it’s worth buying for the surround sound. I love this type of release and I can listen to this all day. 4 musicians at the top their game? Yes please!
Highlights (and there are many) include a superb version of Lines In The Sand, a superb cover of Billy Cobham’s Stratus which is always a favourite of Jeff Beck, and a perfect ending to the gig – a version of Shyboy by Talas/Dave Lee Roth. If only these type of projects would tour more often as it’s great to hear these songs in a less structured environment.
9/10 from The Grooveman.