Month: February 2022 (Page 6 of 12)

SAGA – Pleasure & The Pain

I’m really loving the Saga vinyl reissues – especially the ones that have never been on vinyl before like Pleasure & The Pain. The record company have actually done a specific vinyl mix just for this release and it sounds incredible. This is the twelfth studio album released by the band, and I guess you could say this is mid period Saga where they started to drift in popularity somewhat. They are one of those bands that fall through the cracks when you try to categorize them, as they don’t live in a specific box. This is a very progressive album as musically its very adventurous and all over the map.

I love this album and I had the CD upon release. I love Michael Sadler’s vocals, and on the opening track, Heaven Can Wait, his tone and phrasing is superb. How Do You Feel has a very quirky groove and vibe and is a great track. Welcome To The Zoo has a more standard beat and groove, but lots of different tones and sound to the guitar and keys – great track. Where Is My Money is an instrumental and almost a dance track, with a very EDM feel to the grooves. Side 1 closes out with a reworking of a Saga classic, You’re Not Alone, and has been beefed up somewhat.

A really great version of The Beatles’ Taxman opens up Side 2, and is virtually unrecognizable from the original. You Were Made For Me is an absolute monster of a tune that starts with an off-time groove, until that huge riff kicks in. Gonna Give It To Ya is probably the most Saga sounding track on the record – well, it is if you’re more used to their earlier records. A quick mention to Ian Chricton who is the best guitarist you’ve never heard of. Fantastically Wrong follows and is an odd little number where the heavy vocal lines are separated by quirky instrumental interludes with some killer guitar. The album closes out (not quite) with the title track and it’s an odd medieval acoustic piece. There is actually a bonus track with a cover of Peter Gabriel’s Salisbury Hill.

A really good album from a band that seem to pass people by.

9/10 from The Grooveman.


Christone comes but a stones throw away from the legendary crossroads in Clarksdale, Mississippi. He most definitely has the delta blues in his DNA. I have been aware of his existence since he was a teenager from people posting YouTube clips of his gigs – and you knew it would be a matter of time before he exploded onto the scene.

This is his first album from 2019 and has blues legends Buddy Guy and Keb Mo as guests. He was 20 years old when this was recorded, and you would be forgiven for thinking he was much older as he has the old blues tone to his voice. It’s his ability on the guitar that blows you away though. The tunes are a mixture of modern blues like Outside Of This Town, and old school homages like the track Fresh Out where he trades licks and vocals with Buddy Guy.

The album is like a handbook of the blues as he has all bases covered. I particularly love the acoustic blues numbers as the feel and tone of his voice is just superb. My favourite track is the slow blues of Believe These Blues, which is beautiful and the vocals and guitar tone are just sublime. A really great album – if you need some blues in your soul then this could be for you.

9.5/10 from The Grooveman.

OASIS – Definitely Maybe

Britpop – love it or hate it – there were some decent bands to come out of it all. Other than Mansun (who I really like), Oasis were the most rock n roll of them all. Ignore all the nonsense between the brothers Gallagher – Noel could write a decent song! I know he has said in interviews he just rewrites Beatles songs, but I think that is just bravado as I can hear none of that on this album.

This is just a sleazy rock record. Rock n Roll Star, Supersonic and Cigarettes & Alcohol are great tracks with cool riffs and simple grooves. Live Forever and Slide Away are anthems for the period. To produce songs like that this on your debut record is outstanding, and for all his attitude problems, Liam’s voice is perfect for the tunes. Other than the odd track on other albums, this is my favourite album.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

TYTAN – Justice Served

This follow up took a long time – 32 years to be precise. The first album, Rough Justice, had Karl Swan on vocals who would later join Lion with Doug Aldrich. They went all out with this album, and got Chris Tsangarides to produce and oversee the project. The only original member left is bass player Kevin “Skids” Riddles, also from the original Angel Witch album. This is released on High Roller Records, who specialize in old school metal records from bands that didn’t quite make it.

It’s not a bad album and sounds very NWOBHM. There are some great ideas like Reap The Whirlwind, which slows things down and has a great dynamic. Midnight Sun is quite a surprise as it’s mostly acoustic, with a vocal very reminiscent of Bruce Dickinson. Billy Who is a whole bunch of fun and quite frenetic with some great guitar. My favourite track is One Last Detail, which has a great riff and groove and reminds me a bit of Budgie.

I know I say this a lot, but if this album had come out 40 years ago it would have sold bunches – but hey ho!

8/10 from The Grooveman.

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