Day: January 10, 2022


Australia seems to have the rights to all barroom rock n roll bands. I mean, just look at some of them: The Angels, Rose Tattoo, and the kings of them all, AC/DC- only to name a few. It must be something in the air…or the beer.

Theses guys are slightly different, as they seem to have a really good sense of melody coupled with a very Mid-West vibe. Formed in ’86, they originally made 3 albums, this of which is the first. Two singles were released from the album: opening track, Serpentine, and the best track on the album, Black Leather, which has a great swing to the groove and riff. Superb song! This is pretty basic stuff, stripped down rock n roll with no hairs and graces. Hot To Trot is another song I really like as it has a certain swing to the groove, and the AC/DC groove of Wildcat is another good song.

If you like that basic stripped back sound, then give this a try.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

VICTORY – Don’t Get Mad Get Even

This is the band’s second album released back in ’87 consisting of ex Accept members. This album had Charlie Huhn (ex-Ted Nugent) who now sings with boogie merchants, Foghat. Surprisingly, the band are still going today, albeit with a different line up and released an album (Gods Of Tomorrow) last year.

The original mix of the opening track was considered not good enough and was remixed by Michael Wagener – his trademark elements are all there with the big fat guitars and pounding drums. A typical mid-eighties heavy rock sound coupled with some decent songs make this album a winner in my book.

Killer opening with The Checks’ In The Mail – a great driving riff and groove get things off to a flying start. Following track is Are You Ready, making it a great 1,2 opening. Arsonist Of The Heart slows things down in a very Scorpions style with a very heavy sounding guitar and a slow clockwork beat. Double kicks are pounding for the last track on Side 1, Hit and Run, plus there is a great sing-a-long chorus.

She’s Back starts off Side 2 and has more of an American feel to it than the very Euro sounding Side 1. Turn It Up starts with THAT riff you have heard a million times before and then leads into a stock stomp rocker. Seven Days Without You has a slight funky groove to change the pace a little. Sneaking Out has a very slow stomp beat that takes us into the final track, Running Wild, which, along with the opener, are my favourite tracks. A pretty solid hard rock album.

8/10 from The Grooveman.