Day: December 10, 2021

KALEO – Surface Sounds

This is the band’s third album released earlier this year. I first came to know of this band after buying their 2nd album on the fly then witnessing them live. They’re from Iceland and have this uncanny ability of sounding like they are from delta blues Mississippi. This is due to the amazing vocal talents of Jj Julius Son with his smooth smoky tone.

The two opening tracks, Brother Run Fast and Break My Baby, have that recurring delta vibe, and the third track, Alter Ego, has more of a Stones take on the blues. They have a very unique take on this old genre, mixing it with an indie pop sensibility that really works. Highlights for me are the already mentioned Alter Ego, and the groove laden Hey Gringo, but it’s the real soulful Into My Mothers Arms which wins it for me.

A very unique band worthy of your attention.

9/10 from The Grooveman.


Although only 32 years old, this is Samantha’s 11th release and is up there with one of her best. Often pigeonholed as a Blues artist, she is way more than that. Numerous genres and vibes appear on this album, which is an awesome collection of tunes that will get everyone up and groovin’ at some point.

Opening track, Faster, is a modern pop monster of a tune with a great vibe and really catchy chorus. The same can be said of All Ice And Whiskey, which has a great RnB/Country crossover groove and would have made a great single. Twisted Ambition is a superb Blues/Country groovefest, and by this point its a contender for album of the year with it’s killer opening! The vibe slows down with the seriously groovy and modern Hypnotic, until the Blues makes a rockin’ appearance in the middle section. This is what makes Samantha such a great artist, her willingness to take chances within a very tired and worn genre. A very modern do wop/Motown arrangement to Forever Together keeps the surprises coming. Side 1 closes out with Crowd Control which starts with a slow electronic rhythm and has a modern country vibe.

Over to the flip side we go with Imaginary War and the quality keeps on coming – this time we get funky undertone to the grooves. Loud is up next which starts real slow and explodes occasionally with a big Country/Rock blast, but the big surprise to this track is the mid section rap from Tech 9. Better Be Lonely has a killer melody and hook, and for some reason it reminds me of old ZZ Top. So Called Lover is such a good song and I’ll just put this out there, if this was Taylor Swift the pop world would be in raptures. Like A Classic is another really cool pop tune, which then takes us to the album closer, All Time Words, and it’s all about the power and beauty in Samantha’s voice.

An awesome album and I suggest you all run out and get one.

10/10 from The Grooveman.