Month: November 2021 (Page 5 of 13)


This is the third album by Denmark’s finest export to the melodic hard rock and metal world. A great band that have continued recording quality albums since their inception back in ’81. Whereas a lot of bands of this genre disappeared in the 90’s due to a change in the musical climate, these guys kept on plugging away and sold shit tons of records in the process.

This album was produced by Roger Glover who knows a thing or two about great records, in fact, he actually plays bass on one track, and Ian Paice drums on one track also. This could be the best melodic rock album you have never heard, as outside of mainland Europe they aren’t that well known. Killer songs with a great production make this a must have album in my opinion. My favourite tracks (and there are a few): opening track, Lethal Heroes, hits the spot perfectly with a killer melody and hook, Rock The House rocks and grooves hard with a great riff and is a get up and rock kind of song. They even have “Journey moments” with tracks like Young Blood, which would have made a great song for Schon’s mob. The winner of track of the album though goes to Attention, with the double kicks a pounding and a great euro metal riff. Big shout out to singer Ronnie Atkins, who is the owner of a great set of pipes and is the hero of this record.

9.5/10 from The Grooveman.

QUARTZ – Live Quartz

Quartz were one of those bands that had been gigging around the circuit but were getting nowhere until the NWOBHM arrived, then every label wanted a band that they thought were part of that scene. They released a debut self titled album in ’77 on Jet records that did nothing, but was re-released just after the release of this live album. Basically, they were a typical 70’s hard rock band that beefed up their sound to appeal to the NWOBHM kids.

I had an original copy of this album back in the day, and I managed to get a Japanese copy as a replacement. You’ve gotta love the Japanese, in the liner notes with the lyric sheet, not only have they put the lyrics in but the raps in between songs have also been translated. This is a really solid live album, and a good representation of what the band were all about. Highlights of the album are the opening track, Street Fighting Lady, and my favourite track by the band, Count Dracula. Both are typical NWOBHM fare but great rockin, tracks. Who knows? If they had a mega producer behind them they may have gone further as the bones were there for sure.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

THE BEATLES – Abbey Road

Even though I was born in 1960, The Beatles had past me by. I did not become aware to their music around until 1970, by which time they were almost done. I hate early Beatles as it’s way too basic for my tastes, and I only own three albums, if which, this is one.

I’m a guitar lover, and the guitar playing is rudimentary at best, as the strengths of this band are all about song composition. I think by the time they had recorded this and Let It Be, they were done and they knew it themselves. They were a very lucky band, as Abbey Road studio was basically their playground which they could nearly come and go as they pleased. I firmly believe that if any band worth their salt were given the time that these guys had in the studio, that they would come up with something astonishing.

Anyhoo, I digress. This is my favourite Beatles album just for the fact it has Come Together on it. A great song that has been covered by every man and his dog (I really love Aerosmith’s version). Something is a beautiful love song – I wish I could have written something so romantic. Here Comes The Sun is another one of my favourite Beatles tunes that I love playing in the deep of winter.

There is no denying The Beatles influence on popular music and their contribution to rock n roll history, but they are not for everybody.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

HALESTORM – Into The Wild Life

I bought this on a whim having seen it cheap in a sale, and it was still sealed. I was intrigued as people like Eddie Trunk had been fawning all over them so I thought I would dive in. I was quite surprised when I put it on as I wasn’t expecting the manufactured pop/metal that blew out of the speakers. It’s Shinedown and Nickleback with a female vocalist. There is no way they could play this live as a four piece, as there is so much peripheral noise going on. Lizzy Hale has a phenomenal power to her voice and it’s obvious this band is a vehicle for her talents.

I Am The Fire is a very powerful piece which showcases her voice perfectly. It has a strange showtune vibe to it which I really like. Sick Individual has a nice instrumental piece, but you can’t help feeling that this is production line rock with a whole team of people just cranking these tunes out. Mayhem adds a bit of angst and anger to the polish. Bad Girls World could be Pink or any other pop songstress singing back at me, and this is where I switch off nearly every time I listen to this album.

It’s not a bad album by any stretch, but it’s not for me as it all feels created for a purpose and not for the love of the art.

7/10 from The Grooveman.

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