Month: November 2021 (Page 10 of 13)

DANKO JONES – A Rock Supreme

Hailing from Toronto, this is the band’s 9th studio album and continues their stripped down rock/punk sound. There are no surprises here as it’s a tried and trusted formula: short, sharp, and to the point – no frills rock n roll with attitude.

First track in, I’m In A Band, pretty much sums Danko Jones perfectly – he just wants to play the music. I spoke to him at a gig (I think it was the Mod Club) and he was a really down to earth guy and was surprised I knew who he was. Stand out tracks for me are Dance, Dance, Dance, which has a really cool groove and a god sing a long chorus, Fists Up High, which starts with a nice riff and a great choppy groove, and also Burn In Hell, which is the fastest song on the record and has Danko channeling his inner Phil Lynott – certain tones in his voice remind me so much of Phil.

If stripped back rock n roll is your thing, then this could be for you.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

RATT – s/t

Formed in ’76 as Mickey RATT, it wasn’t until ’81 and a name change to just RATT that success came their way. This is the first EP that was originally released on their own label, Time Coast, and I remember buying a licensed copy on Music For Nations.

The six tracks on offer here are very raw sounding, but you can tell they were going places. Opener, Sweet Cheater, is a killer up-tempo rocker and quite possibly the heaviest thing they released, with a great solo from Warren De Martini – one of the unsung guitar heroes of the LA scene. You Think You’re Tough is a blueprint for the direction they would take after this album. I Got It is pure sleaze glam (before it became fashionable) with a real dirty riff. Tell The World would reappear later in a more modified version as Lack Of Communication. Back For More would be re-recorded on Out Of The Cellar, and this is a tad slower and dirtier sounding. Walkin’ The Dog closes out the record and I love the intro as it sets the tone for the track – which is pure dirty LA sleaze.

Well worth getting – especially if you’re a RATT fan – and if you’re not, get it anyway because it’s really good.

9/10 from The Grooveman.


Here we go again with another of Frontiers put together projects, and this time the blueprint is a heavier version of Journey. They have recruited ex-Journey drummer, Dean Castronovo on drums and vocals, Jack Blades on bass and vocals, and Doug Aldrich supplying the heavier moments on guitar. This is the 2nd album and is the better of the two. All Journey fans will tell you that Dean is the best vocalist that the band never had as a vocalist. The guy has killer pipes that are perfect for these Journey type of tunes, as he has that Frontiers era Steve Perry tone to his voice.

To be fair, this is a superb album as the songs are really strong and all the main protagonists play their asses off. The 2nd track in, Freedom, is worth the album money alone. Killer riff and groove, great vocal from Dean, and some serious guitar from Doug. I bet Journey wish they could write tunes as good as this today. The following track, Ride On, is equally as good with double kicks a blazing. it’s a superb up-tempo melodic rocker complete with an Aldrich shred fest.

It’s very obvious that the Frontiers guys have a Journey fetish, and I guess this is as close as they get. Still – it’s a good album with two excellent tracks that any band would be proud of.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

ALLEN-LANDE – The Revenge

Here are two of the most respected vocalists in the rock and metal world, well at least everywhere apart from North America where they can hardly get arrested. Russell Allen is the voice of Symphony X, and I first heard about Jorn Lande when he fronted Ronnie Le Tekro’s band Vagabond, but he was great also in Ark and Masterplan as well as on his own. Two very differing styles as Allen is more metal and Lande has more of the classic Coverdale tones to his voice.

Funnily enough, neither of them have had a hand in writing any of the material as that was done by Magnus Karlsson, and is another of those put together projects by Frontiers. The whole vibe of the album is a symphonic melodic metal with big choruses and melodies with some nice playing along the way. My favourite is the gallop of Victory as I really like the choppy riff. If you are a fan of Euro Metal and love both of the vocalists then you can’t go wrong really.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

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