This is the third album by Denmark’s finest export to the melodic hard rock and metal world. A great band that have continued recording quality albums since their inception back in ’81. Whereas a lot of bands of this genre disappeared in the 90’s due to a change in the musical climate, these guys kept on plugging away and sold shit tons of records in the process.
This album was produced by Roger Glover who knows a thing or two about great records, in fact, he actually plays bass on one track, and Ian Paice drums on one track also. This could be the best melodic rock album you have never heard, as outside of mainland Europe they aren’t that well known. Killer songs with a great production make this a must have album in my opinion. My favourite tracks (and there are a few): opening track, Lethal Heroes, hits the spot perfectly with a killer melody and hook, Rock The House rocks and grooves hard with a great riff and is a get up and rock kind of song. They even have “Journey moments” with tracks like Young Blood, which would have made a great song for Schon’s mob. The winner of track of the album though goes to Attention, with the double kicks a pounding and a great euro metal riff. Big shout out to singer Ronnie Atkins, who is the owner of a great set of pipes and is the hero of this record.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.