Back in the mists of time, well ’78 to be exact, there wasn’t a whole lot of heavy metal bands around. Remember, this was before the NWOBHM had hit, Motorhead had just put out Overkill, and other than UFO and the Scorps, that was about it. So when Priest put out a new album it was an event. This was before cheesy Priest made an appearance, with Living After Midnight, United and Breaking The Law. For our American friends, this album was released as Hell Bent For Leather because of a controversy with a school shooting at the time. This version is the limited Mobile Fidelity audiophile release, and it sounds superb.
One thing you will notice if you follow Priest’s career, is how the guitar sound has changed to go with the times. This album, for instance, has that very seventies sound. Move on a few albums to Screaming For Vengeance and the difference is very striking, with what would be the ultimate Priest sound.
Within these grooves is what would eventually be Priest classics in their later Live sets. Their version of Fleetwood Mac’s, Green Manaleshi, is a great cover and a standard Live offering in most gigs they play today. The title track is classic Priest, short, sharp, and to the point – a great tune. Delivering The Goods is the opening track and possibly my favourite. Halford’s voice never got better than on this album. The screams were oh so high, and Rob’s knack at writing great melodies and hooks is so evident throughout the album. Killing Machine is the track that sees the band trying something a little different with the groove of the song. They would expand this more when it came to the Turbo album.
A classic Priest album that I still listen to quite often.
9/10 from The Grooveman.