THIS IS MY 500TH REVIEW!!! Thank you to everyone who had read, followed, commented or liked my reviews so far.

This is the third album by these Washington DC based tech metallers, and the first to feature drummer Matt Garstka after the departure of Navene Koperweis. They make one hell of a racket for a three piece and that is down to the two eight-string guitars. The bottom end sound is just amazing and no other band comes close to the technical chops of these guys. They are described as Prog, and I guess that’s as close a term that fits, as there is a lot going on style wise and musically.

I mentioned the low end groove earlier, and the first track Kascade has the most evil of low end grooves for you to shake loose the dandruff to. Lippincott is just off the charts for me. It has so many groovy moments ranging from slap bass funk to the heaviest of djent riffs. Superb track! With The Air Chrysalis you have to stop and just listen to the superb off time grooves that are under the delicate guitar pattern, before the fat crunch arrives. Another Year has an almost Jazz feel to the opening guitar pattern and is a very melodic piece. If you search around you will find a video for Physical Education and I urge you to do so, as the opening riff and groove will just floor you. This is a superb piece of music that will just have you in awe.

Tooth And Claw has the most metal riff and opening from the album, and is just evil sounding as it goes so low. The melodic guitar over the top of it sounds so awesome. Crescent has an unreal groove with the most beautiful melodic guitar over the top. The repeating riff and pattern of The Future That Awaited Me follows, and I would say it’s the most chill track on the album…if that’s possible. Para Mexer is the final track on Side 3, and has a very Latin feel to proceedings -mainly due to the acoustic guitar.

The Woven Web glides us into Side 4, and oh my what a great groove and bass line. This song is just so awesome I’m struggling for words – it’s my favourite track and it gets my vote for best track on the album. Mind Spun is the penultimate track and it’s just crazy. This is such a busy tune as there is so much going on groove and rhythm wise, it’s hard for your brain to focus. The album closes out with Nephele, and that low end is taking a pounding with a superb melodic lead.

If I’m pushed, I would say this is my favourite Animals album as every piece is just epic in its execution. I know this music is not for everyone, but if you’re adventurous in your tastes then give it a whirl.

10/10 from The Grooveman.