A couple of days have passed since the passing of #GOAT Eddie Van Halen. Lots of people have expressed their love and sorrow at the passing of this giant of Rock N Roll.
I first heard Van Halen at the beginning of 1978 when I was 17. I had heard rumblings in Sounds magazine about this amazing band from LA that was going to change the world. You heard those type of remarks all the time back then as we were in the middle of the punk explosion, which was fun for about 10 minutes until you realized that none of them could play. It was on Alan Freeman’s album show on a Saturday afternoon when the ground zero moment occurred. He played Eruption and You Really Got Me. Well to say I was blown away was the understatement of forever. The hype was all true and then some. These guys could play and write great songs.
The first album weighed in at 35 mins. 11 songs all killer no filler. In fact the first 6 albums are all fantastic. I don’t think there has ever been a band with such constant great output. Eddie was the standout for me as his guitar playing was other worldly. Every guitar player and band that followed used VH as a template. His contribution to music cannot be over estimated, I doubt we will ever see the like again.
Eddie and VH have been a constant companion for me for the past 43 years and I feel as though I have lost a close personal friend. Love you Ed💔